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Introduction to C++ and Quantitative Finance

In [ ]:
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

double CallPrice( double sig)
    // Test case Haug p. 172; student exercise to extend it
    double S = 59.0;
    double K = 60.0;
    double r = 0.067;
    double marketPrice = 2.82; // The call price
    double b = r;
    double T = 0.25; // Three months

    double tmp = sig * std::sqrt(T);
    double d1 = std::log(S/K) + (b + (sig*sig)*0.5)*T)/tmp;
    double d2 = d1 - tmp;

    double CalculatedValue = (S * std::exp((b - r)*T) * N(d1)) - (K* std::exp(-r*T)* N(d2));
    // Function in the form f(x) = 0
    return marketPrice - CalculatedValue;
double CallPrice()
    double tmp = sig * std::sqrt(T);
    double d1 = std::log(U/K) + (b + (sig*sig)*0.5)*T)/tmp;
    double d2 = d1 - tmp;

    return (U * std::exp((b - r)*T)* N(d1)) - (K*std::exp(-r*T)*N(d2));
double PutPrice()
    double tmp = sig * std::sqrt(T);

    double d1 = (std::log(U/K) + (b + (sig*sig)*0.5)*T)/tmp;
    double d2 = d1 - tmp;

    return (K * std::exp(-r*T) * N(-d2)) - (U * std::exp((b-r) * T)* N(-d1));
In [1]:
template <class Numeric> Numeric Max(const Numeric& x, const Numeric& y);
In [2]:
template <class Numeric>
Numeric Max(const Numeric& x, const Numeric& y)
    if (x > y)
        return x;
    return y;
In [4]:
#include <iostream>
    long dA = 1234; long dB = 2;
    std::cout << "\n\nMax and min of two numbers: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Max value is:  " << Max<long>(dA, dB) << std::endl;

Max and min of two numbers: 
Max value is:  1234


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